script - significado y definición. Qué es script
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Qué (quién) es script - definición

Scripting; Scripts; Script (disambiguation); SCRIPT; Scripting (disambiguation); Scripted (disambiguation)

<language> A program written in a scripting language, but see Ousterhout's dichotomy. (1999-02-22)
phonetic script (transcribed in phonetic script)
(scripts, scripting, scripted)
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
The script of a play, film, or television programme is the written version of it.
Jenny's writing a film script.
The person who scripts a film or a radio or television play writes it.
...James Cameron, who scripted and directed both films.
You can refer to a particular system of writing as a particular script.
...a text in the Malay language but written in Arabic script.
N-VAR: usu adj N
If you say that something which has happened is not in the script, or that someone has not followed the script, you mean that something has happened which was not expected or intended to happen.
Losing was not in the script...
The game plan was right. We just didn't follow the script.
N-SING: the N, usu with brd-neg



Script may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para script
1. script, every script.
Girls & Sex - Navigating the Complicated New Landscape _ Peggy Orenstein _ Talks at Google
2. script to Greek script?
The Riddle of the Labyrinth _ Margalit Fox _ Talks at Google
3. script --
Girl Culture and Digital Media _ Peggy Orenstein + More _ Talks at Google
4. script.
Founder of Craigslist - Craig Newmark _ Craig Newmark _ Talks at Google
5. Your script is a script.
Funny Girl _ Nick Hornby _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de script
1. A good script is a good script whatever be the language of expression,» he says.
2. The script is dynamic and refreshingly different.
3. Gothic was described by the Nazis as a "Jewish script", but quite possibly, behind this racist rhetoric were practical considerations: Latin script was easier to write.
4. "Chris‘s script and the president‘s script are the same." Polls show that the war is deeply unpopular in Connecticut, even more so than it is nationwide.
5. A combination of strong script and vision is always a good place to start." Hancock also says that developing a solid script is essential.